Coastal Academy Trust

RS & Philosophy


Globally Diverse Ambitious for the Future Inquisitive Learners

We explicitly teach our RS students to…

  • inquire how the spiritual world is viewed by different cultures

  • explore pupils’ own cultural heritage, belief systems and how they fit in with a world view through studying how religion has spread through the UK and across the world

  • cooperatively share beliefs, ideas and opinions of others and to be mindful of each other’s cultural experiences and beliefs 

  • be able to question beliefs that contradict with other legal, political or moral values both within a local, national and global setting, for example our teaching of Sharia law.

  • Students are equipped with a greater understanding of different cultural and belief systems and how this could affect them and others which supports them in future travel opportunities.
  • Students are exposed to the range of careers that the study of philosophy will support them with and they have an understanding of the ethics within law which gives them excellent opportunities for their next steps.

  • Students have the opportunity to study IB Philosophy which gives them a greater depth of how to question and evaluate their thinking. Students look at the successes of philosophers from around the world and how they have used their philosophical thinking to become successful writers, poets, politicians, etc.

  • Students are able to develop a habit of critical exploration and questioning of ideas of cultural, moral and ethical viewpoints. They are inspired by a love of tackling life's big questions through lessons and talking points. 
  • Students are taught to consider how concepts such as stewardship, dominion, the golden rule, agape,  will help to shape our society in the future and how these ancient moral precepts can be applied in modern day thinking and from a non religious perspective.

RS & Philosophy Learning Journey Page 1

RS & Philosophy Learning Journey

Key Stage 3

We start our termly topics with Big Questions so that the students can think critically and openly about a new and sometimes unfamiliar concept such as “Who are we?”. We encourage a safe space with RS and Philosophical values at the heart of our discussion time such as tolerance, respect and open mindedness. 

We explore the makeup of our society, reminding students that we live in a culturally diverse society and as citizens, employers and employees of the future they will need to be aware of our cultural and spiritual differences and how best to be tolerant and empathetic e.g. in terms of commemorating and abiding by religious festivals and observing practices such as fasting. 

We ensure that all students have a chronological understanding of Global Religions and how and where they have originated over time. They learn a broad spectrum of religious beliefs with two in-depth studies of the most commonly practised religions in the UK.


Key Stage 4

In key stage 4 students can choose to study GCSE Philosophy and Ethics. In this course we examine topics that are ever changing such as the morality in medical ethics, war and the justice system etc. This enables students to make links between our moral, scientific and spiritual worlds and think critically about how their perspectives may change through context, culture and time. New technology and law can create a change in our moral compass and students are able to recognise how ethics is applied and how it will shape and sometimes separate them as individuals in the wider world.

We delve into various philosophical and ethical topics which will help to shape student views on issues which are widely debated and affect the rights and liberties of individuals such as abortion, euthanasia and the justice system. It is non-negotiable for students to look at a variety of ethical issues from more than one non religious perspective and at least one religious perspective. This means that students are prepared for the fact that they will face opposing viewpoints throughout their lives and how best to respond to these, being critical and evaluative as well as empathetic and tolerant.

GCSE Religious Studies Specification


Key Stage 5

In key stage 5 students can choose to study IB Philosophy as part of their IBCP curriculum. In this course we delve deeper into our theory of knowledge and make students question everything they think they knew. We establish a more critical approach in exploring perspective and use the Great philosophical thinkers to guide our content such as Descartes. We discuss what it is to learn, how we attain knowledge and what truth means. The allegory of Socrates’  cave is the starting point that ensures Philosophy students are always open to the possibility that there is always a world of new things to learn.

Students are encouraged through the use of the IB to be prepared citizens who promote the ethics of academic honesty. In Philosophy, we encourage students to question absolutely everything around them, even the foundations of their knowledge and how significant it would be to not question the world around you.

IB Philosophy Specification