Coastal Academy Trust
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Governing Board

What do Governors do?

The governing board’s responsibility is to ensure the school improves each year. It guides the strategic direction of the school and makes sure targets are met; whilst allowing the Headteacher and teaching professionals to manage the school on a day to day basis.

Our Governors attend 6 meetings per year, where reports about the school's progress are discussed. They challenge and monitor key information given by school leaders and ensure the school spends its budget wisely,  in line with priorities agreed in the school improvement plan.

The role of the governing board is a strategic one, its key functions are to:

  • set the aims and objectives for the school
  • set the policies for achieving those aims and objectives
  • set the targets for achieving those aims and objectives
  • monitor and evaluate the progress the school is making towards achievement of its aims and objectives
  • be a source of challenge and support to the Headteacher (a critical friend)


King Ethelbert School and Dane Court School
Governors 2023-2024



Chair of Governors

Vicky Crawley

appointed from 2nd July 2023 to 2nd July 2027


Judith Baker-Staff Governor

appointed from 11th February 2009 to 11th February 2025


Lyndsey Copper-Governor

appointed 24th January 2019


Kay Cowell-Governor

appointed from 13th March 2013 to 13th March 2025


Nick Thomas- Governor

appointed from 30th November 2022 to 30th November 2026


Peter Tucker- Governor 

appointed from 30th September 2020 to 30th September 2024


Sarah Hickman-Governor 

appointed from 23rd January 2024 to 23rd January 2028


Holly Brown- Governor

appointed from 8th May 2024 to 8th May 2028


George Harding-Support staff Governor

appointed from 8th May 2024 to 8th May 2028


Max Houghton- Governor

appointed from 8th May 2024 to 8th May 2028


Adam Solly- Staff Governor -stepped down 23rd January 2024

Paul Richards-Vice Chair -stepped down 23rd January 2024

Samantha Webb- Governor -stepped down 23rd January 2024



Debbie Shallcross



Screenshot 2024 01 04 135701

Governor Attendance 2022-2023

Governor attendance KES DS 2022 23


Local Governing Board meeting dates 2023-2024

11th October 2023 5pm at Dane Court

6th December 2023 5pm at King Ethelbert School

24th January 2024 5pm at Dane Court

13th March 2024 5pm at King Ethelbert School

8th May 2024 5pm at Dane Court

19th June 5pm at King Ethelbert School


To contact the Governors

Please write to

Chair of Governors

c/o The Clerk

King Ethelbert School

Canterbury Road

