Coastal Academy Trust



In the Maths department we aim to embed the whole school curriculum intent, through and beyond our curriculum. We do these in line with the three principles across the school.

Globally Diverse Ambitious for the Future Inquisitive Learners

We explicitly address the following financial topics:

  • Gambling and the fact that the odds are stacked against them
  • Value for money with percentage discounts/best buys
  • Loans and borrowing: comparing interest rates.

We also teach student how mathematics can be used to mislead, via:

  • Misleading graphs
  • Presentation of data

Students are introduced to famous mathematicians around the world and their contributions to the mathematics we study today.

  • We regularly reference different professions relating to Maths and identifying possible ways where students will require maths in future careers. Students are required to explore their knowledge and face challenges. Previous opportunities provided include UKMT team challenges, the British Museum, Faraday Challenge and Thorpe Park.
  • At KS5 pupils are taught the applications and interpretations IB mathematics course; this encourages students to further develop their understanding through investigations and applying these to real life. Students currently have the opportunity to study this at both standard and higher level


  • Students will develop resilience, independence and take ownership of their learning through rich open tasks and research based learning.
  • Students critically evaluate their own work and develop their previous learning through encouragement of reflections, reviewing and correcting.
  • Our schemes of learning in all Key Stages develop mastery of skills and will develop links to other subjects. Students will develop a greater depth to their knowledge and be able to apply this to various contexts. They will also better develop their vocabulary with subject specific terms.




Maths Learning Journey Jan 2024.pptx

Maths Learning Journey

Key Stage 3

In Key Stage 3, we have a Mastery curriculum, allowing students to develop both fluency and understanding. They build on their knowledge, developing the idea that we can always further our knowledge and understanding of different topics. We use rich open tasks, developing resilience, independence and ownership of learning. Clear written communication and presentation is promoted which students can use in all aspects of their learning. In Year 7, we use the White Rose scheme of learning which promotes mastery through in-depth discussion and investigation.

In terms of enriching the curriculum, we provide opportunities for students to explore their knowledge and face challenges. Previous opportunities provided include UKMT team challenges, the Maths Feast, the British Museum, Bletchley Park, Faraday Challenge and Thorpe Park. We have an annual ‘Maths Week’ which presents Maths in real life and problem solving situations to help students make links between the subject and their everyday life.


Key Stage 4

In Key Stage 4 students study the Edexcel GCSE Mathematics course. We have designed our curriculum to allow for interleaving of topics and further development mastery, problem solving and resilience. Homework is set weekly to allow our students to develop the skills to become independent learners who take ownership of their own learning. Through problem-solving questions students are provided with the opportunity to make greater connections between subjects and develop their own learning. Financial Maths is a key component of the curriculum as we seek to develop skills to manage real life situations involving compound interest, depreciation, loans and mortgages. Through work on representing and analysing data, students are able to think critically about information that is presented to them as well and to test the validity of this data.

GCSE Maths Specification


Key Stage 5

In Key Stage 5 students can study IB Mathematics Applications and Interpretation (Standard Level). The aims of this course is to enable students to:

  • develop mathematical knowledge, concepts and principles

  • develop logical, critical and creative thinking

  • employ and refine their powers of abstraction and generalisation.

Students are also encouraged to appreciate the international dimensions of mathematics and the multiplicity of its cultural and historical perspectives.

The Internal Assessment stretches students beyond the outlined curriculum, giving opportunities for personal investigation. The course also encourages students to further develop their understanding through investigations and applying these to real life.

Students are given the opportunity to teach each other, becoming responsible for others' learning as well as their own.

IB Maths Subject Brief