Dear Parents/Carers
As we begin the final term of this academic year, I would like to outline two changes we will be making from September 2023.
Firstly, I would like to remind you of the communication that was sent home in January and March. From September 2023, any student choosing to wear a skirt, must wear the new school skirt (available to purchase from The Schoolwear Centre). Alternatively, students may wear black trousers, please refer to the school's uniform policy for more information. This applies to all year groups (except 6th Form).
Secondly, the school will be changing its policy on the use of mobile phones in the new academic year. The following does not apply to the 6th Form:
The school has consulted with parents and carers through our termly parent consultation meetings and have found significant support for this change to our policy. I am sure many of you will welcome these measures and as always, I appreciate your support. We envisage this change will reduce safeguarding issues at school, improve students’ relationship with their phones and how they use them and improve their learning time significantly. We will continue to educate the students in online safety so that they can remain safe when using technology outside of school hours. The school will communicate this information with students during assemblies and tutor time before the end of the academic year, however we would welcome and appreciate your support in ensuring your child/children understand the policy and are ready for the start of the next academic year in September.
Yours faithfully
Tom Sellen